Website example:

“Thanks for visiting from a mobile device. This website is not mobile-optimized, so your mileage may vary. Please return from a desktop computer to gain a complete experience.”

Call Center example:

“Thanks for calling. Your approximate wait time is 2 minutes. Our customer support representative is having a bad day, so your experience may not be optimal.”

Coaching example:

“Well, that team ran an offense we’ve never seen before. Because we didn’t prepare our defense for those offensive sets, please excuse this loss.”

Email signature example:

“Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse typos.”


We can do better. We will do better. Let’s consider a few reasons why.

1) It’s So Last Decade

When you first started doing email on a smartphone, it was new. That was circa 2007 or circa 2009. It felt odd to write long-ish emails on a smartphone’s form factor. You’d reach for the “z,” only to type an “x.” And that was B.A. (before auto-correct). It’s not new any more. Soon enough, it will be a full decade that we’ve been doing email from our smartphones.

2) It Invites You to be Lazy

Amateur golfers will occasionally take a “mulligan.” Hit a bad shot? That’s OK, take another one. Imagine knowing that you could take a mulligan with each and every swing. It would be great! You could play an entire round knowing that each swing wasn’t too important. “Please excuse typos” invites you to be lazy and send emails littered with typos. You can do better.

3) Don’t Apologize for Something You Haven’t Done

At the altar on your wedding day, you tell your fiancée, “Please excuse any sins that I may commit.” Why apologize for something that you haven’t yet done, or that you may not do? It’s telling someone you’ve messed up, even when you haven’t.

My Email Signature

I sign all of my emails like this: “-Dennis.” And that’s what I use for the email signature on my phone. It saves me the step of signing my name. I configured that from my phone, though, so please excuse any typos.